Helping you to conquer and rebuild your over 40s life
I affectionately refer to these midlife year’s, as the Crazy Over-40s Life
You're here because

Helping you find the life balance
you need to succeed
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Turpis metus orci massa, praesent vitae eget purus pulvinar augue et est.
Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.
Career Changes
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Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.
Change Starts With A
Single Step
Emotional Wellness Life Coaching can help you enjoy a reduction of stress, and enable you to identify purpose and goals that resonate with your inner values.
I can support you with your over-40s life, which is a busy time for transition of identity and confidence, your challenges and goals. It will work with negative or limiting perceptions and challenges, so that you can make the best of this next stage in your journey. Supporting you to feel unstuck, I will help you to stay focused and motivated so that you progress further on your life path, and so that you can take the reins yourself.
Most of us, by the time we are over 40, have experienced connections romantically or casually. Parenthood, and single hood. Flying and diving careers. Hobbies and interests of the heart and of the pass.Welcome to our Crazy Over-40s Life. It’s understandable that we experience a range of negative emotions, guilt, resentment and insecurity, which can prevent us from moving forward in our lives. Emotional Essence Life coaching and programmes can help you maximise your potential and live life to its full extent. This may involve helping you discover your innermost values and goals. Working with the most common block—FEAR.
We fear that when we hit midlife, we stop being relevant and no longer have options—that it’s simply too late for us.
At Emotional Essence Life Coaching, I help you promote and develop your inner courage to do things that your fears have been stopping you from doing—living a happier, more meaningful and more successful life.
F: Fusion of stuff your mind tells you that gets in the way
E: Excessive goals which makes it difficult to unpick
A: Avoidance of discomfort and willingness to make room for the discomfort that challenges bring
R: Remoteness from values, losing touch with or forgetting what is important or meaningful
Confronting your fears will help you to enjoy a reduction of stress and enable you to identify activities and careers that resonate with your inner values, and relationships involving family, parenting, partnership and friendships which have been strained by the hectic pace of modern life. Together we will work to improve your communication and mutual understanding skills, as well as the connection with yourself and others, in order to enjoy more stable and loving relationships.
About Me
Hello! I’m Caroline Brown, an Over-40s Emotional Wellness Life coach.
Let’s work together, with your Crazy Over-40s Life passions and plans, whether you have seen it coming or not. This may be changing your career, returning to education, relationship matters, getting your groove back or turning your interests and hobbies into money-making adventures.

I affectionately refer to these midlife years, as the Crazy Over-40s Life.
Caroline Brown
What Clients Are Saying

Daniel Johnson

Julia Michele

Robert Green

Oliver Goodman